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Doorprotect Plus

Protecting Your Home with Wireless Magnetic Detectors

Introducing the WEB DoorProtect Plus Jeweller


Enhance your home security with the advanced WEB DoorProtect Plus Jeweller, a wireless magnetic detector designed to provide early detection of intrusions through doors or windows. Its proprietary wireless technology ensures reliable alarm transmission, delivering peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Key Features

  • Detects door or window openings, shock, and tilt
  • Wireless technology for seamless communication
  • Supports the connection of a third-party wired detector
  • Battery-operated for flexible placement
  • Easy installation and configuration


The WEB DoorProtect Plus Jeweller offers numerous benefits for homeowners:

  • Early Intrusion Detection: Alerts you to the first signs of a break-in, giving you precious time to react.
  • Reliable Wireless Technology: Proprietary wireless communication ensures instant alarm transmission, even over long distances.
  • Enhanced Security: Allows you to connect a wired detector for even more comprehensive protection.
  • Versatile Placement: Battery operation and wireless connectivity provide maximum flexibility for placement in any location.
  • Ease of Use: Simple installation process and intuitive configuration make it accessible for all users.


The WEB DoorProtect Plus Jeweller is an essential addition to any home security system. Its wireless magnetic detection, proprietary communication technology, and versatile features ensure reliable protection against unauthorized entry. Invest in peace of mind today and enjoy the benefits of advanced home security.
